Prayer Summary for Friday, September 09, 2016

Jerre led in worship…

Barb shared…

Last Friday during prayer, the Holy Spirit talked about how praise is a weapon. We were praising the Lord and nobody laid hands on anyone. At the end, a woman came up weeping. A burden was on her and God delivered her from it. She said, “I didn’t realize how much heaviness was on me.”

If we would just take the time to connect with Him and say, “Lord, what do you want to do today? What do You have for us today?” There are always things that we can share and give and stand up and read something. I like to take time to wait and see what the Holy Ghost wants to do. I had several things rolling around in me a couple days ago. Then this morning on the way, the Holy Spirit said, “Your voice is mine.” I said, “You know what? It is. I yield my voice to You. Everything that I have is Yours including my voice. That wherever I go, whoever I come into contact with that I would yield my voice, that His Spirit would be able to move through me through the words that I speak and they would be ministered to.”

Yesterday I was out running errands and I had to stop at this place. There was a woman there and she was talking to someone. I was checking out and she was talking to the woman at the counter and she said, “I had similar issues that your daughter had.” I just started to share about how God could deliver her daughter. I wasn’t even thinking about … I’m going to minister to this person. The Holy Ghost will come up in you if you’ll yield yourself to Him. Just let your voice be His. Let your hands be His. And this woman was so excited. I said, “I wish your daughter was here. I would pray for her right now.” But the Holy Ghost is trying to get us and He’s been talking to me about this for a few months. He told me a few months ago, “Get out of the church!” I went, “What?” I’m thinking, leave the church. He said, “No. Just get out of the church. Don’t leave the church. You just need to get out of the four walls of the church and start doing the work.”

I think the body of Christ gets real comfortable, coming into church every week. We get used to the flow of the church and all our friends go to the church. That’s great. It’s great to have support. We love the body. But it’s time that we get out. When we go and step out of our houses that we realize “I’m a minister of the Gospel. And wherever I go today, the Holy Ghost is on me and in me to minister to everyone that is around me.” It’s time for the body of Christ to get out of the church! To do the work.

So when He told me that this morning, “Your voice is mine,” I thought when we come here in prayer to really yield over to the Holy Spirit and to believe that the words we speak come to pass, whatever we say that anointing is on our words. Did you know back in the day, Jesus … they didn’t have all the things that Jesus said written out. Paul wrote letters. The norm was that the person would actually speak the words to someone that was like a scribe or secretary so the words were spoken and then written down. They would take that epistle, or letter, to a body of believers and they would read it out loud to the body of believers. So they might only get to hear it one time. Then that letter goes to a different church and they read it out loud. But it was the voice, the words were spoken by a voice. Your voice is so important. And today what is the thing that the enemy tries to do? Keep us quiet. “Let’s shut those Christians up. You keep your place and hold your voice and don’t say anything that’s different than what we believe. You don’t tell us that our religion is wrong. Don’t tell us that our politics are wrong.” No! God gave us a voice and it’s important that you speak by the Spirit and that when you’re praying, you’re declaring things by the Spirit. He’s causing things to change because of the words that you’re speaking.

So this morning as Jerre plays, let’s start using our voices and let’s direct them toward the body of Christ. Let’s activate the body today, that the body would rise up, that the body would speak… Remember that picture of the body standing up like a giant in this land, in this nation! Like Pastor Lynne said on Wednesday, that the election doesn’t come and go and we go “Oh well, that’s just what happened.” No. We stand up now and we say this is the way it’s going to be.


And we declare that this nation is one nation under God. We declare it to be so as it was in the beginning. As it was meant to be. As it was founded. That, that’s the way it will be. And everyone that needs to be in place to cause it to be that way, it will be. For the plan of God will come to pass for this nation in the name of Jesus Christ. Yes, He established this nation and the body of believers, every member that He has set in this nation will take their place in Jesus’ name.

Father, it’s time for Your body to rise up
Time for Your people to take their places in You
It’s time for them to be moved wherever they need to be moved in Jesus’ name
You have a plan and purpose for each one
Today, Father, we ask that You speak to them and show them what they’re called to do
You show them the place that You have for them to be in
No, it’s not going to be the norm…
It’s not going to be the same as usual… it’s time to make changes… time to impact that which is around us
The people, the neighborhoods, the churches…
We have the power in Jesus’ name to change very situation and circumstance
We begin to use that authority now in Jesus’ name
We thank You, Father, that revival is happening in the earth
We thank You that revival is happening in this church
Revival is happening in this city and this state and this nation
We thank You, Father, that revival is not just for other countries around the world but it’s for here and now
We don’t have to wait… we are walking in it.
Eyes are being opened to see how to yield to the Spirit so they can walk in that place of revival
It’s time to stop contending and it’s time to start walking in it… walking in the fullness of the Spirit
Yield your bodies and minds in the name of Jesus
So we can be the army that You called us to be
Eyes opened… they begin to see… seeing into the spirit… speak words
They have discernment and utterance
You planned great things for us, Lord
Yes, Father, there’s been a lot of resistance… but we thank You that the enemy will not prosper
But we will rise up in Jesus’ name and stand in our places
With the enemy under our feet and we will possess that place in Jesus’ name
We will not let him push us back from that place
But we will push forward and we will progress and increase
Jesus! I know that You’re moving and You’re working
It’s time… it’s time, Lord… Open up! Open up! Open up those doorways
Open up those doors that have been closed
Lord, You poured out Your mercy… it’s time to open those doors and let the light come in
It’s time to open those doors and let the power of Your Spirit enter into those places
You’ve been preparing, Father, now is the time!
Open it up… Every opportunity, Father
We lift up assignments right now in the name of Jesus
Yes, body begin to receive those assignments in Jesus’ name
Receive those assignments and obey, in Jesus’ name
It’s not time to wrestle with those decisions… it’s time to make the decision… choose to obey… now in Jesus’ name
Put your foot to the path…

Jerre shared…

I have the word “mobilize.” We lift that up, Father. We lift up the mobilization of the body of Christ.


Eyes, eyes, eyes…
Eyes that look outward… up, up, up
Order, order
In some cases, it might seem like insubordination… the things God might ask you to do… but follow after the voice of the Spirit… and you will see that it will be the right thing… don’t be led by the natural things… but yield, listen to the Spirit… Father, we ask that You mobilize the Catholics… You move in the Catholic church and You mobilize that body now… Get them moving by the Spirit… Father, we ask now that You would move in that church in the name of Jesus Christ… move in that church and let Your Spirit come in, let Your Spirit move in… And camp there in Jesus’ name… And mobilize that body… Oh my! What a great and mighty force. So many numbers there, Lord… We ask that You mobilize them now in Jesus’ name… move them out… filled with Your Spirit, delivering the message of the Gospel in Jesus’ name… doing miracles… demonstrating the power of Your Spirit… You said if Your Word was spoken… then signs and wonders would follow… it would be a normal occurrence… And we’re looking for that… in all the churches… That every time Your Word is spoken that You demonstrate… Every time, Father, that the voice is lifted and declares… Your name… and declares Your glory that you manifest yourself there… More, more than we’ve ever seen, Father… greater than those things that transpired in the past… Operate in the name of Jesus… Hallelujah! Father, thank You… Your people are so precious to You… Father, You want every single one to be fulfilled… You want everyone to fulfill their calling to be satisfied… Lift their eyes, Father… look up… look up in Jesus’ name… Look up from out of your circumstances… Yes, the answer… if you look up… the answer is there…. Jesus Christ is the answer… Father, I ask that You give Your body a compassion for the lost… You just put that in them, Father, to be merciful and to have compassion… we know that it’s Your will that not one would perish… That Your body would not be distracted by the things of the earth… But they would be moved with compassion as You were, Jesus… as You walked the earth… Yes, Father, that while we stand in authority, we still have compassion in our hearts for all that are lost… While we stand strong against the enemy, we still allow the compassion of God to flow from our hearts… into the earth… Your grace is sufficient for us, Lord… We lean into Your grace today… that they would walk in ease… Every step they take would be full of You, full of Your joy, full of Your peace, that they would recognize Your presence… We’re not satisfied with the current state of the Church… we’re not satisfied with what we’re seeing, Father… We know what we can have and we’re calling for it today in Jesus name… in this church… in this body… signs and wonders… miracles at the hands of Your people… We’re not just talking about the ministers… we’re talking about every person in the congregation… miracles by their hands, that they start moving, they start ministering, they start stretching forth their hands so You can move and work… Here in this place… You said that this place would be like a beacon on a hill… We know, Father, that healing is like a dinner bell and it draws the lost, so, Father, we expect it to be here in this place… we expect miracles… that when those people walk through the doors that the greeters can lay hands on them and raise them up… the ushers can cast the devils out of those people… that the grandma and the grandpa sitting in the back row can deliver and set free every person that walks into this building in Jesus’ name… every child in the children’s ministry can lay their hands upon the sick and see recovery immediately in Jesus’ name… That’s the way it should be… that’s the way it is in Jesus’ name… we declare it now… it is in this place… the anointing of God is in this place… the power of God is in this place… There is nothing we can’t do in the power of the Holy Ghost by the blood of the Lamb… it’s time to raise your expectation… to lift up your expectation and begin to use your voice to declare what shall be in Jesus’ name… don’t say what you see… say what you want! When I lay my hands on the sick they are instantly healed… when I speak to that devil, it leaves… when I declare that finances come, they come immediately. In Jesus’ name. And in the name of Jesus Christ, we come against that spirit of lack… we stand against that spirit together in the name of Jesus… that spirit of lack that has held the body in bondage in Jesus’ name, you get out… leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, I ask that you open the eyes of Your people and show them where the money is… cuz it’s all around… and they begin to call it in… just as we do now… we call it into this body… we call it into the members of this body now in Jesus’ name… Father, get it into the hands of Your people… You said the wealth of the wicked is laid up for us… well, we need it now… there’s a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in so we need those finances now… we need to pay for the television time now… we need to pay off buildings now… we need the money to increase in Jesus’ name… to increase the staff… to increase those that we can send out to fund the missions… to fund the missionaries that are already out there doing a work… we need it now, in Jesus’ name… we command it to come… you come from every direction—the north, the south, the east, the west… Father, every person, whatever position they are, You bring it to them in the name of Jesus Christ… And, again, Father, we have to raise our expectations because You can bring it in so many ways… don’t limit Him… Father, we remove the limitations today… It might not come through your job… it could come so many ways… Father, we take off the limits and we open it up… every way to receive the abundance and grace in Jesus’ name… for those finances… Thank You, Father… Angels, go forth! Go and bring it in, in the name of Jesus… Now! Yes, Father, You begin to teach Your people how to give, how to be givers, how to be led by Your Spirit in their giving… yes, the greatest return comes by giving by the Holy Ghost… No, no, no, we are not cutting back in Jesus name… but we are increasing… we are not cutting back! In Jesus’ name, we are increasing… How dare you! We will not draw back… we’re going to expand and increase on every side… the devil wants us to decrease and cut back but we will not… My God supplies every need in abundance… He pays for His plans… He’s the good measure… He’s the shaken together… He’s the running over God. He’s more than enough… He said if there’s a mountain in your way, you speak to the mountain… You tell that mountain to go… to move… You say, “Grace” to that mountain, to that lack… You speak it in the name of Jesus Christ, I cry “grace” to debt in Jesus’ name… I cry grace to debt in the name of Jesus. Get out of this church… get out in Jesus’ name… I speak grace to debt in this body… Whoever has debt, we speak grace to that today… this entire body in the name of Jesus Christ… debt, be removed… be canceled in Jesus’ name… Go now! I expect the supernatural move of the Holy Ghost… He’s going to be doing some amazing things… get out of your head and don’t try to figure it out… just let Him do it… Just receive it… hallelujah!… it’s a good day… Jesus Christ is glorified in His body… Changes, changes… all around… glory to God… Oh that system is beginning to cooperate… that system is beginning to change… ha, ha, ha, ha… angels … Yes, we are chosen, separated unto Your purpose… Thank You, Father, for breathing Your breath of life into us… for transforming us, that Your body is changed like another man walking in the anointing…

Group began to worship singing in the spirit…

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