Prayer Summary for Friday, October 21, 2016

Jerre led worship…

♪ In Your presence, there is peace… there is joy… We need You each and every day… So we come to You… We seek You, we seek You, O Lord… Only Your way, O Lord… Thank You for putting everything good inside of us, O God… We draw it out like a mighty river when we pray… Like a fountain, like a spring springing up of goodness washing us…Come and breathe the heavenly air… You are good… You are good… ♪

Pastor Ray shared…

Vicki Jamison Peterson used to say, “I’m just a handmaiden of the Lord and I hold open a curtain and I allow the Spirit to do the work.” That’s exactly how she would minister. She always opened up the service to what He wanted to do.

I want to read you something from a Vicki’s book called More Than Enough about what the Lord thinks of us, of mankind.

Quote begins…

I love to read the history of creation in Genesis—the Bible account of how God created the heavens and the earth, and all that is in the earth. Have you ever noticed that five times during the creation God looked at what He had brought into being and saw that is was good? That’s right. As each part of the universe began to function, and as the plants, animals, and sea creatures took their place, God approved what He had done. The Bible says, “And God saw that it was good (Gen. 1:10, 12, 18, 21, 25). Then came the creation of mankind. God said, “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (v. 26). So God made man and gave him dominion—that is, sovereign authority, the right of absolute possession and use—over everything in the earth.

Now God looked again at all He had created, including the man and woman He had placed in authority there. But this time it was different! With the addition of mankind, His highest creation, made in His own image, God looked at what He had made, and indeed it was very good (v. 31).

Do you see it? Can you grasp what God’s opinion of you and me is? When He looked at the wonders of the universe—the planets, stars, the sun and moon… when He looked at all the grasses, herbs, plants, and trees… when He looked at all the fish, birds, and animals—God saw that it was good. But when He made man in His own image and gave him dominion over all the creation, God saw that indeed it was very good!

Why was man so important? What made him so distinctive, so different from all the rest of creation? Because man was made in the image and likeness of God. Because God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life—that unique divine force possessed by no other living creature. Man became a “living being”—within him was placed a God-likeness from the very fabric of eternity.

Genesis 2:7 says, “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”

The psalmist David wrote, “What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of [earthborn] man, that You care for him? Yet You have made him but little lower than God [or heavenly beings], and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet” (Ps. 8:4–6, Amp.).

The Psalmist goes on to describe the authority God has given man in Psalm 82:6: “I said, You are gods [since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives]; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High” (Amp.).

The reason believers sometimes feel weak and helpless is that they focus on the outer world and respond to the wrong influences around them. They react with feelings… and feelings can easily be manipulated by the enemy.

To be victorious—to win over earthly adversity or negative spiritual forces—we must bring our inner power to bear on the problem. How can we do this? By meditating… concentrating on the very essence of God that makes up our most intimate inner bring—that flow of sheer spiritual power that is activated within us through the Word of God.

Isaiah understood it when he declared, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” (Isa. 40:31).

You can do this. Center your thinking on the El Shaddai force within you. It helps if you learn to visualize… to see with the eyes of your spirit. When I “see” the power of El Shaddai, it is a force exploding out of my inner being, not something being poured in from the outside. I see Him within me all the time. The inner power is not contained in the “bucket” of my heart—a container that must constantly be refilled. The inner power is like an artesian spring that constantly bubbles and flows a stream of divine energy into my life.

Then, I visualize myself constantly in the presence of the Lord. I am never alone. I may be by myself, with no other people around, but God is always with me. He goes everywhere I go—I’m constantly aware that he is with me. He’s with you, too, but you will not discover the reality of unending fellowship with Him until you consciously begin to visualize Him. [end quote]

If you would like to purchase this book, please contact LW Store online or call 763.315.7015.

Pastor Ray shared…

I like what she brought up in her book about when God saw man, He said this is “very good.” So when we’re lifting up our praises to Him—“We love You, Lord. You’re so good. Your mercy endures forever. You’re so good”—we can visualize that He’s also saying to us “You’re good; you’re very good.”

Jerre led in worship…

♪ You are good and Your mercy endures forever… You are so very good over there…”

Pastor Ray: Jerre, when you sang, “You are good over there,” did you have an “over there” in mind?

Jerre: Yes.

Pastor Ray: What is it?

Jerre: I just saw the troops.

Pastor Ray: Okay, good. So why don’t you lead us in prayer over them?

Jerre led in prayer…

You are good there, Lord. Your light shines in the darkness. You are good, even in the horrors of war. We lift them up and we say that You are good in their minds and hearts and bodies. You are good there, Lord. You are a stronghold for them. No matter what they see, no matter what they experience, Lord, still You are good there, a foundational goodness in each of them. Be good there, Lord. Standing, standing on that goodness, Lord.

Father, you have triumphed over the last enemy which is death
You are good there… with the victory
You are good in the leadership there… full of wisdom
Every decision, we cover in the blood of the Lamb
All the leaders, we plead the blood of the Lamb over them
Your goodness draws them out of the pit and pulls them up out of that pit
Your goodness shines in their hearts and minds
You are good in those naval ships… the navy
You direct, reveal, and cover hidden things they must see
No mistakes… no accidents… but a knowing
We cover their minds, Father, with the blood
You are the deliverer for all
You take away the bad and put in the good
We loose the angels there… go forth

Jerre shared…

I once heard the Holy Ghost say to me… and I can’t prove it in the Word except for that He can do all things and He does all things well… “If I have to, I’ll send an angel and burn it out of your memory.” I’ve been praying over the minds of our men and women in uniform. I asked my nephew when he came back from Iraq. I said, “Are you alright?” He said, “I’m alright, Auntie Jerre. I’ve seen some things but I’m alright.” And in that day, this was born in me to pray over their minds. I asked another one, “Are you alright?” He said, “I’m getting help because I feel like everyone’s against me.” That’s what they had to watch out for because everyone was against them. I said, “Well, know this. We’re not against you. We’re for you.” So we pray over their minds and believe that if He has to, He can send an angel and burn it out of their memories. I know this is a different prayer time, but God knows what needs to be prayed about.


We take authority over that spirit of suicide on those that come back, where their minds have not been restored. We take authority where that spirit of death, that spirit of suicide would try to come upon them. We use the blood of Jesus and declare thru the name of Jesus that thing must leave. Wherever there is even a touch of it… a touch of depression… a touch of lack… a touch of deception from the enemy… we push it back and away in the name of Jesus…

Be made whole
Minds be restored in the name of Jesus
By faith, we list up those minds… we plead the blood of Jesus over these minds
We declare, “Be restored according to the manufacturer’s specifications”
Completely and totally whole… healthy minds… and thoughts
Bringing them out of that… we declare freedom from it… a turnaround and a shift
We send a supply to all those hospitals… into those places over there
We resupply you in the name of Jesus by the Holy Ghost
We resupply you with the blood of Jesus
We command everything to come into order for you in Jesus’ name
We command confidence and a strength to come back into you in the name of Jesus
We command a peace to be upon and within you… a peace that supersedes the circumstances
We supply you in the name of Jesus with the power of God… with His might and dominion that we possess, we speak to you in Jesus’ name…
We call you up and we call you out of the darkness and into the light
We resist on your behalf the enemy’s ploys
We stand with you and for you in the name of Jesus
We hold you up far above the enemy’s power and surround you with the glory of the Lord
And the angels are released unto you to assist and to strengthen today
Be encouraged…today is your day of salvation
We see that anointing and we see that deliverance… we speak it unto you in Jesus’ name
The past is the past… it’s behind you… it’s time to move on and come out ahead
Be free today in Jesus’ name
Be made whole, be made whole
We dominate the enemy in Jesus’ name
Every tongue that would rise up against the name of Jesus, we condemn you
These are our people, this is our country, this is our place, and those words and deceptions and lies will not stand

Pastor Ray interjected: When you said something about our nation, I just saw the police. So let’s bring it back here and pray for every member of the police force in every state and every city… wherever they’re working.

They’ve seen and know some things… they’ve had to go through some things
In the same way, we cover their minds with the blood today
We pray over their eyes and ears that they might see You and Your way and that Your peace would be strong in them
Your peace in them would pass all understanding
Things to be burned out of their minds and begin to see Your way and plan in their lives
A new day, a new time and hour… a change in the way things have been going
A paradigm… a shift… a turnaround… a lifting
We lift the police men and women up before You, Father, in Jesus’ name
We cover them with the blood of Jesus
For protection… we declare it over them
We command cooperation to come… people would cooperate with the authorities the way they’re supposed to
Cooperate in the name of Jesus that there would be no fear there but there would be peace in those situations
In confrontations, that there would be peace
That wisdom reigns in Jesus’ name
We command that spirit of defiance to stop in Jesus’ name
You leave! You come into line now in Jesus’ name
We’re not going to allow you to rise up against the authorities in Jesus’ name
No more of that… peace, peace, peace in the name of Jesus
A peaceful resolution in every situation
We begin to make gains now in Jesus’ name
We strive… a progress there… it begins to be seen and come to the forefront now
Unity and peace in the name of Jesus
That strife and division the enemy has tried to stir up, we’re not taking it…
The blood is covering this nation today and every day
We hold the blood of Jesus over it … we will not allow that division to rise up in Jesus’ name
This is our nation and we have authority over everything in it…
It’s time for the body of Christ to rise up and speak to those things

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