Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, April 12, 2021


Thank You for Your presence today, Lord
You are with us, and we cast down all fear in Jesus’ name
We take comfort and we exalt You; we lift our hearts before You
By the blood of Jesus, You made a way for us
Thank You for the power of Your precious Holy Spirit
We give You all the glory, honor, and praise today
Pleading the blood of Jesus over Minneapolis… be calm in Jesus’ name!
Grant wisdom and revelation over that situation, Lord
What needs to be done, will be done!
Calling for a backing off, Father
Thank You for the peace that surpasses all understanding
Lifting this situation before heaven today, no this will not go in the wrong way!
Everything that needs to be revealed shall be revealed, the truth shall come out
We pray for the peace of God to surround the family, Lord
Praying over the Police officers, the Mayor and all of those in authority, Father
Give them knowledge and revelation of what to do and when to do it
Calling for safety over these business that have been affected
We hold the blood against all criminal activity, Lord
Thank You for the peace that surpasses all understanding
Calm down in Jesus’ name!
We rest in You, Lord, and You are bringing peace over this city
Hallelujah, safety, safety, safety!
No violence, no fires, and no thefts in Jesus’ name
Thank You for Your peace, we rest and trust in You
Yes, we yield more and more on You

Scripture Focus…

I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me to make me his own.  (13) I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead.  (14) I run straight for the divine invitation of reaching the heavenly goal and gaining the victory-prize through the anointing of Jesus. (15) So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. (16)  And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.  (17) My beloved friends, imitate my walk with God and follow all those who walk according to the way of life we modeled before you.  (18) For there are many who live by different standards. As I’ve warned you many times (I weep as I write these words), they are enemies of the cross of the Anointed One and  (19) doom awaits them. Their god has possessed them and made them mute. Their boast is in their shameful lifestyles and their minds are in the dirt.  (20) But we are a colony of heaven on earth as we cling tightly to our life-giver, the Lord Jesus Christ, (21) who will transform our humble bodies and transfigure us into the identical likeness of his glorified body. And using his matchless power, he continually subdues everything to himself.
(Philippian’s 3:12 – 21 TPT)

Since we are approaching the end of all things, be intentional, purposeful, and self-controlled so that you can be given to prayer.
(1 Peter 4:7 TPT)

Continued Praying…

Thank You, Father, for revelation for eyes being opened
We plead the blood of Jesus over the lost today, Lord
Covering all of those that are out on the streets doing Your good work, Father
Thank You that there is light dispelling the darkness
Yes, we are bringing those out of the darkness and more and more into Your light
There is power in the precious blood of Jesus
Thank You for the peace of God that is within us
The joy of the Lord is our strength
We are overcomers in, by, and through the blood of Jesus
Covering those missionaries and their families with the blood of Jesus today
Your favor goes before them and it is making a way where there seems no other way
Praying a hedge of protection over each and every one of them
Casting down every evil plan of the enemy that would try to hold them back and down
Thank You for the laborers that are all over the earth, Father
Father, we ask for faith instead of fear
Pour out Your love on Your people
We pray for faith that comes by hearing and hearing by Your Word
Your words are piercing our hearts
Yes, we will follow You all the way to the very end
Nothing is impossible with You, Lord
Your love is opening eyes and hearts in these last days
Casting down every spirit of lawlessness and anarchy
We take authority in Christ Jesus
Bind up the wounds of the wounded, Father
Thank You that we are the light in the darkness
You have anointed us for such a time as this
We speak boldness and courage to each and every believer
Let there be a mighty outpouring of Your Spirit, Father
Calling for the oppressed to be set free in the name of Jesus
Every chain is being broken in, by, and through the blood
We call for the healing rains, Lord
Cover this city with the rain of the Holy Ghost
Praying for healing for each and every believer
Healing rain, restoring rain, life-giving rain!
We thank You that Your will and Your purpose would be done in these days
Pleading the blood of Jesus over the capital of this nation
Praying for the blood of Jesus to surround the borders of this nation
Souls… we pray for the souls of this nation, Father
Calling in a harvest of souls in these last days


The following prophecy was given by Kenneth Copeland on April 9, 2021:


“Times are changing, and the winds of change are blowing.  Things in the earth are moving so rapidly now.  Time has been put in a place where it’s… in a way, time is shorter so it’s moving rapidly and things are changing rapidly.  By the time something is produced and put on the market, it’s obsolete. These times are times that confuse people and people wonder, ‘What do I do now?  What can I do? How can I make it in this?  I don’t know what to do.’

“Listen to Me” says the Lord.  “I’ll walk with you and I’ll talk with you. I’ll show you things. I’ll show you patterns in your life, and I’ll unconfuse, de-confuse and decompress things for you. And you will come into that place where it will look like things have just seemed to have slowed down for me. And I have time to think where I didn’t have time before or thought I didn’t.  And my motives have changed, from motives of my own to motives of love and faith. I’ll continue to do that for you and through you and in you.  And My purposes become your purposes, and the things that I desire, you desire. And we will walk in this together.

“And there are people that will notice the difference in you because you see, there are those that have known Me and walked with Me as their Savior. And those that have found close relationship with Me, in the infilling of the Holy Spirit and walked with Me and they’ve known Me as the great planner and the great financier. And they’ve known Me as the healer, and they’ve known Me as their very own grace and life.

“BUT VERY SOON YOU WILL KNOW ME AS THE GREAT RESURRECTION. AND IT’S TIME!”  GLORY TO GOD!  “It’s time, it’s time! Put more expectation in My coming. Look for Me. Watch for Me everywhere. Look for Me at all times. Look for Me in the clouds. Look for Me in the nighttime. Look for Me in the daytime. Look for Me. Listen to Me. Walk together with Me.

“Practice My presence and we’ll talk and visit all the time. And I’ll show you things to come and I’ll reveal Myself in you, and around you, and for you, and through you. And then, you can become a beacon of life, not only to your own family, but in the area wherever I have called you and placed you. People will begin to follow your lead. And you’ll see many, many, many people come into the kingdom of God. And you’ll see many people that you didn’t understand and didn’t have any idea that you even knew how to win souls, but all you have to be is a winning personality and help people and talk to them and understand them. Listen to Me and I’ll tell you what to say and what to do. And it will work, and you’ll say, ‘How in the world did I ever live before today.’

And I’m coming so soon, you’ll be glad you began to watch for Me, for I am in the present place now. I’ve stepped into the room concerning the end, and it’s very close.  So rejoice, again I say rejoice. And understand that the time of great blessing is at hand, in the land of the living,” saith the Lord. Hallelujah, glory to God!  Glory, glory, glory!

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