Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Ms. Annie led us singing Jesus all for Jesus

Brother Mike…

There are a couple things I want to share today and we will also pray for America. One is from Lester Sumrall’s book called “Take It It’s Yours, Seizing Your Spiritual Dominion.” It’s a really power-packed book and just about every page you could meditate on for a really long time.


Thank You, Holy Spirit, that You are here and You are always here
And today each and every one of us connect with You individually as well as corporately
Doing what You have told us to do – establish and live out Your Kingdom here on earth

The following excerpt was taken from “Take It It’s Yours” by Lester Sumrall:

Throughout history every outstanding man and woman of God has been a person of prayer. Prayer is one of the Christian disciple’s most powerful weapons. In prayer the believer receives the infilling of divine energy. After Jesus had prayed and fasted for forty days, he victoriously defeated Satan single handedly in the greatest spiritual struggle ever recorded.

The prayer closet is actually the council chamber where divine commands are issued. In order to possess great dominion, you must constantly return to the Master to receive instructions from Him. The prayer closet is the heart study place. This is not where the mind learned. It’s where the heart becomes instructive.

In prayer, we learn about God, His blessings and His anointings. Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16:17 “Flesh and blood has not revealed it to you but My Father which is in heaven.” We learn more in an hour of devotion and prayer than in many hours of searching libraries and seeking out man’s wisdom. Divine revelation is brought into focus in the prayer closet. You won’t find it anywhere else. Prayer is the key that unlocks the treasures of God.

Prayer is power. Elijah demonstrated dominion of prayer when he called upon God to send rain upon the land. The New Testament points out that Elijah was a man like we are. The difference is he knew how to pray. The early Church prayed in the place where they were assembled together was shaken. Paul and Silas prayed and sang songs in the inner cell of a Philipian jail at midnight. The strength of their prayer shook the jail itself and resulted in the salvation of the jailer. The act of praying generates omnipotence. Prayer gives the frail human reed unshakable strength. If you do not know how to pray, you do not know the power of God. Prayer is the most talked about, discussed, and least used power available to mankind.

That in itself was just amazing when I saw that. It’s something that we can literally do anywhere we are, in any situation. I mean we can be watching television or something like that and we can be praying. We can be focused in praying but I don’t know if we have, as believers, fully tapped into the power of what we are actually doing. You know how sometimes you’ll hear stories of somebody said something or did something nice for somebody and then it’s maybe years later that the person can see what they did actually affected… I remember seeing something on YouTube a few years ago. It was about some gathering of people, a big auditorium. They were honoring an older gentleman that had helped a lot of children during the Holocaust. Well what the guy didn’t know was the audience was filled with all the children he saved who are now older people. He was just sitting there quietly and they were talking about honoring him. Then they basically said “And here is all the people you saved” and they stood up. That act was amazing and he was floored! How much more powerful are our prayers for people we will never meet here on earth but we will meet in heaven. It won’t be dozens or hundreds but thousands, potentially millions.

I know when we are here praying, some days it feels like we just nailed it. And then some days we don’t feel that way so much. But realizing that regardless of how we may feel, we know we are doing something important for the kingdom.

Oil undiscovered is an untapped resource. Coal not mined is an untapped resource of power but the greatest source of untapped power and resource is prayer. All that prayer can do has never yet been defined. This tremendous source of power has never been fully researched or developed.

Through personal communications with the Creator, you can do things you could never do before. Pray without ceasing and you will know dominion in your life. Continual communion with the Commander assures victory.

So I just want to encourage all of us then as we are praying that even though we may not understand with our minds, that we know that we are doing something that is really changing our church, everything from our neighborhoods, our friends, our families, this nation, the world but really its’ all about the kingdom.

Ms. Annie led us singing Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here


Father, thank You, as we are overcome by Your presence
It continues to fill and strengthen our souls, our bodies – we gain clarity in our minds
And the things that the enemy would want to overcome us with are nothing
You said that we would be able to trample down these things
Lord, thank You that we actually see what that means in our everyday life
Everywhere You went, Lord, when You were here on earth
It was never a competition between You and the Devil
He had already given Him everything and He wants us to do the same thing
So, Lord, we continue to ask for that strengthening every day through Your Holy Spirit
That everything that we are facing that seems overwhelming, even to the minor things that are an irritant, Lord, You gave us the power to overcome every single one of those
Why? So that You could get glory, that Your power could be displayed here on the earth
Thank You, Lord, that we do not pray just theoretically
We pray for results, we pray for a reason
We know that every prayer is heard because You always hear us
Jesus even said before He raised Lazarus “Lord, I thank You that You always hear Me.”
We can be utilizing His example as our model
Jesus had to spend time in prayer – how much more do we need to do that
But then He moved in faith to come against those things that were oppressing His people
And, Father, for the glory that was set before Him He went through everything
He gave us the example so that we can just pick up what He did
We can declare “We will do those things that He did and even greater things”
Lord, help us to see what the greater things are
We thank You, Father, for Your Holy Spirit that You gave us
You knew what we needed and You gave it to us
So, Father, right now help us to know that we do not have to wonder “Well, do we have enough?”
No more doubting back and forth
Getting out of our heads and learning to truly live from our spirits
Father, we lift up everyone that comes to church here this week
Every person that walks into this building, if they are feeling close to You or feeling completely disenfranchised by religion all together
We agree together that Your Spirit will touch them in such a way that they will never be the same
Lord, help us to know that we can never have enough of You
We can always be hungry and want more because there is always more
You see us as capable and even those right here now as capable of changing the world
I mean You did it with twelve people who were in all senses lost
But, Lord, I thank You that You have enough faith in us that we could have faith in You to accomplish Your will here on this earth
So we are continuing to stay with it regardless of what it looks like
We stick with it and keep going

Brother Mike shared…

I am just reminded of something I saw last night while watching the Olympics. A woman was speed skating and in the first couple laps, she was knocked out. If you are behind by a lap, it really looks like it’s done but you just get up, continue going and finish out because you are a competitor. What was amazing was this person fell down and got back in the race. And they have it where there is about two or three people who are constantly switching back and forth. So, one would go and the other would tag off. This woman got up and little by little by little did not give up until she actually pushed her way through and got in the lead. And they actually ended up winning and I believe set a record but I am not sure about that. This is an example of someone who got knocked out at the very beginning in a race that goes so fast where seconds can make the difference between winning or last place. She didn’t give up and they came back and won.

Meaning, it doesn’t matter if you started out really good and then you got tripped up. God always believes in us and He wants us to get back up because that is an example of the victory that we can have. It doesn’t matter if it looks like we are in last place. God didn’t say “Well, you are in last place. Hang on and you will get to heaven. You are still going to heaven.” He has victory in mind for every single one of us and that’s the position that we can always go from. And that’s why I think it’s so great that He used all these examples so that we can always be reminded of what things look like, doesn’t mean that’s what it’s going to look like at the end.

The following prophecy was by Kenneth Copeland on Oct 2008:

God woke him up early in the morning and led him to John 16:13–15,

(13) But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own authority]; but He Will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that has been given to Him], and
He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come [that will happen in the future].
(14) He will honor and glorify Me, because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.
(15) Everything that the Father has is Mine That is what I meant when I said that He [the Spirit] will take the things that are Mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.

Then gave him this:

“Don’t pay attention or make any plans based on what the media says or what the politicians say. Stand on my word, pay attention to me. I, the Holy Spirit, will obey verses 13–15. I’ll show you things to come, I’ll lead you through troubled times; I already have the plan for you, it’s very good—follow it. It’ll not only get you through, it will place you in a very high place, a rich place, a strong place of victory. You’ll have to discipline yourself and be diligent to listen to me. All the other voices will have a plan, a word, an idea for your future and security – don’t listen to Babylon’s system, it’s fallen apart. My system is stronger than ever, my kingdom is flourishing; the blessing is the place to be.”

When you go back in history and read things from 10, 15, 30 or 40 years ago, it almost seems like you could be reading today. When I read that I thought that was so in line with what we are believing for right now. Really how I see this is that the Holy Spirit continues to want us to keep standing for these things. And I believe we are starting to see little glimpses and cracks opening up where our prayers have been effective. Where the things that are evil are being exposed little by little. Meaning, I see the cries of His people are not just getting through but they are relentlessly taking down these things which appear to be invisible. And it’s because the power of His Word and power of prayer is doing its work. And we can be encouraged by that. The Lord knows that we need to have little bits of encouragement along the way so we keep going. We keep going by faith but seeing these little victories, those are the things we can grab onto. We can say “Yes, the Lord is moving. He is working. Our prayers our effective, agreeing with His Word is making things happen.”

The following is a prayer for our nation by Pastor Lynne Hammond:

Father, in the name of Jesus, and according to your Word, we pray for those in authority in our nation. We lift up President Donald Trump, his family, his staff and cabinet members. Let Your Word cling to them and let them not depart from your plan. Strengthen them with mighty power by your Spirit to stand against wickedness, lies and deception. Guide President Trump’s decisions; let Your light shine upon his path and show him the path of reversal for every evil way. Continually surround him with godly men and women who impart wise counsel to him. Cause the way of the wicked to be set to confusion and come to nothing. Deliver us from the traps and snares the enemy has laid for us, and let the wicked be caught in their own devises and be brought to shame.

We take authority over the plots and plans of the enemy against this nation. Let prideful and lying lips be silenced in Jesus’ name. Slanderers will not be established in America.

We pray for our Congress, our Supreme Court, our Military leaders and our intelligence agencies. Let the wisdom that is from above reign in this nation and be constantly speaking to our leaders. We exercise the authority you have given us to tread down all the power of the enemy. We cast down and demolish imaginations and arguments that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, and we bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. We bind spirits of strife and division, civil wars and tumults, spirits of hostility, lawlessness and blasphemy, and fires from hell that have burned in our cities.

We pray and believe for the voice of truth, salvation, revival and restoration to be proclaimed and heard across our land. Grant unto your servants everywhere that with all boldness we may speak your Word. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Spirit with signs, wonders and miracles. We expect the wisdom of this world that is earthly, sensual and devilish to depart and vanish until Your, mighty work in America becomes a beacon of hope for all people everywhere. We expect the voice of rejoicing to be heard in our nation for your goodness, mercy and prosperity, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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