Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ms. Annie led us singing Holy is His Name

Pastor Ray…

Hallelujah. All of the glory to the Lamb.

A lot of times, when Ms. Annie arrives here at the Chapel, she brings something with her.

Ms. Annie…

Often times I say, “I have five loaves and two fishes.” I feel like that little boy who brought that little lunch. I don’t feel like I have much.

Maybe some of you were here when Reinhard Bonkke was a guest minister. He described how the five loaves and the two fishes were not multiplied in Jesus’ hands. Jesus gave thanks to God and He gave the five loaves and the two fish to His disciples. And by faith as they distributed them, they were multiplied in their hands.

As an example, he shared one of the most defining moments of his life. Early in his ministry he was this little missionary to Africa trying to have meetings. He was able to get this big man of God who had all these miracles to come to this meeting he had organized. Everybody was excited and expecting for signs and wonders to happen. The minister arrived and said something like, I am not going to preach. God told me it was all up to you. Reinhard said, “You can’t do this to me!” And then he drove away.

He was so distraught because he had this tent full of people with all this expectation. In that moment, he made a decision. He said, “Okay God. You’re going to do it through me!”

There was something about the five loaves and the two fishes in that message. He described how each one of us, we receive from the Lord and then by faith we distribute what He gives us, even if it’s just this little lunch. We’re not waiting for this big thing out there to come and supply the needs of the people around us. We’re offering them, “such as I have, give I thee.”

That brings to my remembrance something that happened years ago. I was praying and praying about someone who had a need. It was way too big for me. I didn’t have what it took to meet this need. But I prayed and fasted… sometimes you have to get your flesh out of the way to be able to even hear something so out of the box. And I heard the Lord say to me what He said to Phillip. “You give them something to eat.”

It’s true! We don’t have what it takes to meet anybody’s need. But He says to each one of us, every day, “You give them something to eat.”

Even when we feel we have nothing, we’ve got to be like that little boy. We have to take what He put in our hands, even if it’s just five loaves and two fish and trust Him. He’s going to multiply it as we step out in faith.

When I come in the morning, Pastor Ray will say to me, “What do you have today?” I won’t say, “I don’t have anything.” Because each one of us has a little lunch. Every one of us has something. Even if we feel we have nothing. When you are paying the cashier at a grocery store, you can ask, “Do you have a need? Can I pray for you?” Or just smile with love, give people hope. We all have something to give. We all have five loaves and two fish. And as we give it to the Lord by faith. He takes it and He multiplies it.

Little Mary, she believed what the angel said. She didn’t go, “Huh?” She said, “How can this be because I don’t know a man.” She didn’t say, “That could never be.” She believed there would be a performance of the things that were told her by the Lord. And that’s all we need to do.

And God said of her, “Blessed is she who has believed. There will be a performance of those things spoken to her of the Lord.”

There is the big list of all the things that look impossible. Oh, Lord. How Shall This Be? Because You know about A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. But over here is His promises. This is what He said, “Behold the Holy Spirit will overshadow you. The power of the Most High will come upon you. Therefore, that holy thing that’s going to be born in you, His name is JESUS!”

He is born in us! Hallelujah! We choose to believe that.

Pastor Ray…

Thank you, Ms. Annie. I believe that. We have some Word every day. We’re all anointed as believers.

And the anointing will never be taken away from us. But we can operate in greater levels when we decide to use our faith. But many times, we may not step out because we know ourselves! And the enemy tries to stop what God has planned for us in our thoughts. So, off with our heads today! Hallelujah.

Yesterday when I came home, Sandy had on Joel Osteen’s Sunday service. His message was, “Don’t Give Your Joy Away.” He had a couple examples. He was at the mall in the parking lot. There was someone that came out and put all the stuff in the car. It was a one way and so he is there. He turns on his blinker waiting for the car to pull out patiently. The car backs out and another car comes from the wrong way and whips into the parking space. You know your flesh can be so tempted.

He said, there are so many times, situations like that where the enemy will try to take the joy you have. He had another example. There are a lot of people that you think should really appreciate you, love what you do and say but they are not always on your side. They don’t connect with you. There are a lot of people that are like a garbage truck. They have a lot of garbage that they want to dump out on you!

His joy in us is our strength and the Devil would love to get us out of the joy and over into some other flesh deal.

Sandy and I pulled into a parking lot and I was just going to quickly run into the store and get what I needed. There were a couple cars in the parking lot with tons of spaces. So, we pulled right in close to the entrance. This man had just come out of the store and he got into his car. He’s in his space. We pull in ours. We are facing him. I am getting my mask on and look up. He’s just starring at me and we are not that far apart. He backs up like three feet and there are no other cars around. He backs up and goes by us and give us the you know what! For what? Because he didn’t want to back up. He wanted to go straight ahead, and we blocked his straightaway. But I mean it was an empty parking lot, there was no people behind him. I just thought, he must have had a huge pile of junk he wanted to dump on us.

Those kinds of things, especially in the days leading up to Christmas. Hello? I love that message, do not let someone else dump some junk on you and steal your joy. That’s a good message. Yes, we’re to give it away and walk in love. Anyway…

I feel like, all of us are that way. We’re all unique but we all can wonder, question what we do have. But we can’t do that. And we definitely can’t speak words that would go against what He’s given us. We just have to go by faith. That is the Word.

A future picture of what God’s planned for us, like a big, framed 3D, full colored picture but it’s up to us to use the words that He’s given us and declare by faith the words we believe He’s speaking to us. And then down into our future we will step into that picture because our words will form it, bring it to pass, set things in motion. And it will stop things that would try to hinder those times that are in our future.

We know through God all things work together for good and He’s a good, good Father. So, we know it’s good and great but by faith we must speak into that future and see it here in the natural when we get to that time. There are appointed times, seasons. We get into that place and it will manifest right on time. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Let’s not question how things will work out. Let’s not doubt, for doubt will derail the future times and days. Let’s follow the peace, the presence of our great, great, great Father God, by the power of the Holy Spirit in you and in me. Hallelujah.

So, the anointing that is in us, it has a way. It’s almost like a rope. It just pulls us. The anointing will pull us more into the presence of the Holy Spirit and we will begin to see things we would not have seen if we hadn’t yielded to Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity: Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Ms. Annie led us lifting up the Holy Spirit

The following prophetic utterance was given by Kenneth E. Hagin in Detroit Michigan on July 18, 1989:

That’s yet to be manifest.
There’s a glory that’s yet to be revealed.
We’ve seen a little speck of it here and a little speck of it there.
And [tongues] satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Stir yourself up and be satisfied only with the dissatisfaction that has to be satisfied again and again.
Move on with Me, saith the Lord of hosts.
There’s a work that must be done.
There is a ministry that must be accomplished before the coming of the Son of Man.
True, the time of the end is at hand.
True, on the horizon of time you see those things happening in the world.
Wars and rumors of wars.
And pestilence, and famines, and earthquakes in diver’s places.
Men’s hearts failing them for fear.
For looking after the things that are coming to pass upon the earth.
When you see these things begin to come to pass.
And certainly they have begun to come to pass.
Lift up your heads and rejoice.
For your redemption draweth nigh.
There’s a work, there’s a ministry that must be accomplished.
There’s an army that must ARISE!
And walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk in the realm of the Spirit.
Talk, talk, talk, talk in the power of the Spirit.
Minister, minister, minister with the manifestation of the Spirit.
Endowed, endued, with power from on High.
With the full equipment to stand in the office unto which you are called.
To speak as of the oracles of God.
To speak and devils will have to tremble.
To speak and nations will change.
And the glory of God shall be in manifestation.
And your heart shall have much cause for rejoicing.

The following prophecy was given by Kenneth E. Hagin at Winter Bible Seminar in 1989:

Don’t draw back, don’t draw back, don’t draw back… The time is near, the time is at hand. No longer can you wait; no longer can you procrastinate. No longer can you say, “Yea, in another day I’ll consecrate. In a later day, I will wait on the Lord more. In another day, I will spend more time with Him. In another day, I will put my flesh under.”

No longer, no longer. Don’t draw back and don’t pull back.
The Spirit of the Lord pleads with you. Come forward, more forward. Answer the call you hear in your heart. Respond unto the Spirit of God. It is not bad, it is good. It is not bad, it is good.

The price that would be paid in the flesh is nothing compared to the glory which shall be revealed. It is not bad. Do not dread it. Do not draw back from it.

It is a lie. It’s a deception that has held you back. It’s a lie. It’s a deception that has caused you to draw back. Go on in. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Oh, the treasures of the things He has laid up for you. The things that your heart is hungry for. Nothing else will satisfy your soul. Nothing else will give you the answer in your heart. Nothing else will make you feel complete. Nothing else will satisfy what you seek. Nothing else! Nothing!
Oh, push in. Respond unto the Spirit of God. Just lay those other things aside. Lay those things aside. Humble the pride and fall before Him and wait upon Him. And as you do, your soul will blossom. Your spirit will spring forth. Yea, you will be a greater blessing unto your spouse. You’ll be a greater blessing unto your family because you will bloom forth. And you won’t be restricted like before. And you won’t be vexed like before. And you won’t be hindered like before.

Yea, you’ve done some things for them. You’ve drawn back and you said it was for them. But you have not been a blessing to them in that the full blessing of the Lord was not upon thee.

But if you shall press in though, it might seem to cost that price in the beginning, it might seem like it costs you. It might seem like it costs them. Yea, but that’s the only way to get to the things that they desire and the things that you desire and the things that are needed. Yea, the things that must be in this hour, it cannot be delayed. It cannot be delayed. It cannot be delayed. It must be now. Now is the time. Now is the time!

So, heed the call of the Spirit’s cry in your heart. Don’t say, “I’ll do it by and by.” But the time is now. Do not dread or fear. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Don’t think it’s too high a price. It’s nothing in comparison to the light and the glory that shall be revealed. Draw nigh unto Him. He shall draw nigh unto thee. Seek His face. He shall reveal Himself unto thee even in a greater way. And you shall rise up and you shall be enabled to be a far greater blessing. And your later end shall exceed and it shall overflow and it shall be abundant in blessing and glory and grace.

And the evil one that thought you to deter and thought to lie to you and keep you from it, you shall look at him and you shall say, “Ha, ha, ha, ha… Your plan did not work, ha, ha, ha… It did not succeed, ha, ha, ha… I did not believe it… ha, ha, ha… I obeyed ha, ha, ha… I ran my course, ha, ha, ha… I finished my job, ha, ha, ha ….”

And those things that once held you, those things that for years, years deceived you and held you out; you shall look at them in triumph. You shall look at them from that higher place. And they shall seem nothing to thee. They shall seem small and despised in your eyes. You shall look upon them in dismay and you shall say, “Ha, ha, ha…” You shall see far… ha, ha, ha… And you shall know well, and you shall move sure, and shaken shall be hell. And their power shall be confused for His authority you’ve used. And that which they greatly feared shall have happened.

He calleth thee higher. He calleth thee higher. Continue to look down on lowly things on the ground but look up and see what He has reserved for thee. And by faith, let your heart reach out and grasp and let His Spirit lift you up. Then at last, you shall see what your eyes have longed to see. You shall sense what your heart has craved, hungered to sense. You shall know what your mind has hungered to know. You shall do what you were created to do.

Pastor Ray…

Say, “That’s me! That’s now!” All glory and praise and honor to You, Lord!

We’re not dismayed. We will not just sit down, lay back, and watch the world go by. For we’ve been placed in the mighty army of the Lord. And we’ll take our place and run our race. We’ll absolutely point ourselves toward victory and continually keep up that pace of looking up and looking out; declaring, “This is the way it shall be!”

Things that have not turned, will turn. And many situations will be turned absolutely upside down. For you shall not be shaken. But the world shall shake. You shall not be held down. For I have given you the way to overcome every obstacle by the power of the Son. The blood of Jesus is working today: lifting, changing, rearranging. Hallelujah.

For the Lord is good and Your mercy endures forever! Hallelujah.

Let’s receive an infusion of strength this morning. It’s the Spirit of God, a strength that will take us beyond what we could ask or think. We receive a supernatural strengthening this morning to continually contend for the things that need to come to pass now.

Don’t quit. Don’t stop. Don’t just keep looking down but keep looking up! Ha! Ha! Ha! All over town, do not walk with a frown but in the joy that I have given unto you, hold fast, stay strong. It’s My strength in you that will move you out and through! And breakthroughs will happen through your words – through what you say! The Master’s Way! The Master’s Way!

And depression, no longer – get out, leave, go!

Maybe just a touch of depression has bothered you for years. “No more, sayeth the Lord. For My joy is your strength. And I overcame through the blood of My Son, so you overcome when you join yourself up and step out of the darkness and into the light of heaven and say, ‘Jesus You are my Lord and Savior!'”

I see puzzle pieces being put together again, connected where they should be connected. We know the Word talks to us about being joined. We are joined, fit, and compacted together – restoration is bringing that whole thing to pass.

Worthy, worthy, worthy are You, Lord. Thank You for doing the work, Lord. For the work that has already been done. Thank You for Your Word that is true, that You’ve never changed and all of the new.

By faith, we see ourselves stepping out of the old and into the new, stepping up unto a higher place in You. We see ourselves moving like we have never moved before. For You are good and Your mercies endure forever and ever. And You’ve set us in our place. You’ve set us in our race, and we shall overcome because You have overcome through that precious blood of Jesus.
We cover the nation, the earth, the Church, families, everything that needs the covering of the blood today. We cover, speak it, sling it or whatever term we might use. We only see that blood of Jesus which has and will continually bring victory.

Ms. Annie led us out singing There Is Power in the Blood of Jesus Christ

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