Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, March 12, 2021

Peg led group in worship…
Cindy prayed and shared…

Hallelujah. Thank you, Father, for the name of Jesus. And in that name, you’ve given us life and authority, peace, health prosperity. We’re in your family. We’ve been grafted in, in that name, Father, and faith in that name. I thank you, Lord, that the boast of sin and death has to bow to that name. It has no authority over us in that mighty name. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit, we welcome you here. We welcome your presence that you would have your way in this hour as we gather together under your name, to bring forth your knowledge in the earth, to decree and declare the things that you would have us to say. Lord, that that life would spread out from here into our communities, to this nation and world. We thank you, Lord, for your awesome plan of salvation. You redeemed us through the precious blood of Jesus. And given us your name. Thank you, Lord.

Good morning, everybody. Pastor Ray is not here today. My name is Cindy. He asked me to come and lead. So I’m going to read a little bit from “Life Is in the Blood” by Larry Ollison. I’ve been meditating and listening to some CDs by Pastor Jim here at the church on the power of the blood and the power of applying the blood. So I looked in my library and I found this book and I want to read about God’s method for defeating sin.

Life Is in the Blood, by Larry Ollison

“Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.” (Genesis 4:8)

Any time sin is committed, it takes the applying of blood for the atonement or remission of sin, according to the Word of God. It started in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned, God provided a covering by shedding the blood of an animal. The word atonement actually means “to cover.” Cain knew his brother’s sacrifice was accepted. Cain simply rejected what God said. He decided the ground was good enough. But God’s way says it takes blood to make atonement for sin.

God had warned Cain that if he did not do well, sin was ready to overtake him. In verse 9, God approached Cain after Cain had killed his brother.

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”

And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground.” (Genesis 4:9,10)

Life is in the blood. Look at what Jesus said about Abel in Matthew chapter 23.

Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah… (Matthew 23:34,35)

Jesus called Abel righteous. He was made righteous because God recognized the blood as a righteous sacrifice.

This is the same law God gave to the Hebrews through Moses. The way they applied the blood under the old covenant was to physically kill an animal. The way we apply the blood of Jesus under the new covenant is by the words we speak. Our faith in the shed blood of Jesus and the Word of God is what’s required under the new covenant.

The sacrifice of Abel was better than Cain’s. Hebrews 11:4 says, “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.” Abel was alive and remained alive through his blood. Under the New Covenant we receive everlasting life and remain alive for all eternity through the blood of Jesus.

In Hebrews 12:24 it says, “To Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.”  The blood of Jesus is much more powerful than the blood of Abel or that of bulls and goats. Under the new covenant, the blood of Jesus is the only thing that remits sin. Matthew 26:28 says, “For this is My blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”

Now remission is different than covering. Under the old covenant, the shedding of the blood of bulls and goats atoned or covered the sin. The sin wasn’t gone, it was just covered.

A good illustration is when somebody unexpectedly shows up at your house. You take all the mess and clutter and you throw it in the closet. The house isn’t really cleaned, the junk is just hidden. But the blood of Jesus cleanses us. Sin is gone. When the blood of Jesus

cleanses your house (your heart), you can open up every drawer and every closet because the hidden places have no junk (sin) and they are clean. When you clean your house, you do the best you can and try to make it look clean. When Jesus cleans your house, everything is 100% spotless. A speck of dust does not exist.

Defeating Sin Once and for All

Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Hebrews 9:22 says, “And according to the law almost all things are purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission.” l John 1:6,7 says, “If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

You do not have any rooms hidden away in your heart with the door locked anymore. Every room is clean. You don’t have hidden sin anymore. It’s gone by the applying of the blood. Hebrews 9:26 says, “He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” Jesus came to earth so that by the sacrifice of Himself, he put away sin once and for all. It’s gone forever.

There is no reason why we should have to spend our lives trying to defeat sin. Just apply the blood of Jesus and the sin is gone. You do it all by the words of your mouth. That’s the way we apply the blood now. So, if you have a problem with pornography, you say, “Father, in the name of Jesus, I apply the blood of Jesus to my mind. I will not think those thoughts anymore. I hold up Jesus’ blood as a barrier between pornography and me. I am protected by the blood of Jesus.” Speak the word of faith and act on it and you will stop the sin in your life.

The blood of Jesus is a barrier to the destroyer in the same way today as it was when the blood of the lambs was applied to the doorpost under the old covenant. The destroyer may come, but when he gets to your house, he must pass over. That’s why God had the Hebrew children call it the “Passover.”

You can be experiencing the joy of the Passover every day. When you get up in the morning, apply the blood of Jesus to yourself, to your spouse, over your house, over your children and over your possessions, and everything that is important to you.

It works the same way today as it worked then, only better. The blood of bulls and goats covered sin, but the blood of Jesus remits it. Speaking the blood of Jesus is God’s way of doing things under the new covenant. “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke, we also believe and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13). When you believe it, speak it and act on it—it happens.

Cindy continued…

It’s the blood of Jesus. It’s the precious blood of Jesus. Father, we make much of it. And we apply it by speaking it daily over ourselves, over our loved ones, over our possessions, over the fields that you’ve given us, the territories. The blood of Jesus speaks and nothing in this world can come against it. It is the priceless, precious blood of Jesus. Thank you, Father for the blood. Thank you, Lord, that Jesus went to the cross and shed His precious blood. And like Pastor Jim said, you could died of dehydration or some other form. But unless you shed your blood, there would be no remission of sin. But think God that your blood was shed. And that right now we can stand before you without any conscience of sin. And when sin tries to come in next to us and have its way with us, we apply the blood. We apply the precious blood. And, Jesus, your blood is speaking. It’s speaking you are the redeemed … we agree with your Word concerning us over all things that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We are the healed of the Lord. You are made wisdom unto us and everything that pertains to life and godliness has been given to us… that we have all authority tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall harm us. Thank you, Father, that evil shall not come near our dwelling place. No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. And the blood of Jesus is how we overcome. Things come, Father, and try to come again against us. Otherwise you wouldn’t call us overcomers, but we overcome in all ways by the word of our testimony and the blood of Jesus, which we apply by faith in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thank you, Father, for healing today. Thank you for restoration today. Thank you for your plan and purpose today. That we are walking it out completely and that your wisdom is coming out through the church in its variating colors of cloth… thank you Jesus for your precious blood. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Let’s just pray in the spirit right now. (tongues)

DJ shared…

He’s going to do the communion. I remember a few weeks ago, we had a communion with Pastor Jim. And when I was leaving, I picked up a couple extra cups. Because I was going to Dinky Town to meet some people. And there were two different religions from India. And after we talk about business, I said, I got something to share. So I took this and give it to them. And you know how hard it is to open. I’m shaky and nervous. They opened it in one minute and I’m still working on it. I go to church and they don’t. They asked, “What is it?” I explained this is the bread, they body of Jesus Christ broken for you, broken from me, your family, my family, your sons. When you start talking about their sons and daughters, they are very interested. And I say, we’re going to take communion. It’s called communion. Explain the whole thing. We picked up the bread. We broke it and took the blood of Jesus. Father, we praise you.  (singing in the spirit) So they took communion and I said, let’s check on them. I open my eyes to peek and see what happened. What’s going to happen. I want to know. It worked for me. It’s going to work for them or no. (singing)

I opened my eyes, both fell! Hallelujah. (singing) And I saw them deep in the Holy Spirit. He came upon them. Hallelujah. The blood works when you apply it. They have a peace now through the blood of Jesus.

Last Sunday, we go to St. Paul in the coffee shop, the guy working. I had this, give it to him. I said, I’ll be back in there a little bit. I shared the same thing. This is the body of Jesus broken for you. He said, I don’t need. I said, you will. I’m here for us assignment. You will need it soon. You need the body and the blood. You will need a healing one day. You need a miracle. Hallelujah. We minister right? Yeah, you’re going to do the communion.

Communion is served…

Oh, thank you, Lord, for your broken body and your shed blood. The night before Jesus was so treacherously betrayed, He took bread and He said, take eat. This is my body, which was broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me to call me to remembrance. Oh, I thank you, Lord, for your broken body. It symbolizes the veil that was rent to the holy of holies. Every time I take communion, I think about that. And I see myself going straight into the holy of holies, into God’s very presence. Before the blood was shed, only the high priest could go into there and experience His presence. But thru God’s sacrifice, we can enter in. We can experience His presence and not die because the blood takes the sin away. Thank you, Lord. In this presence, Lord, we receive everything your covenant has given us… everything that was paid through that shed blood, we experience healing. We receive our identity. We look straight into your face, reflect who we are and we reflect who you are.

In the same manner, he took the cup and said, take a drink. This is the blood that ratifies the new covenant. Thank you, Father. In the name of Jesus. Thank you for your blood that was shed. Thank you for your broken body. Thank you for perfect communion right now. You have your way. We are all entering in right now to your presence. You have your way. I thank you for the unity of everybody out there who’s watching. Thank you that we can enter into together and that we can experience you as a family, as brothers and sisters and where you command the blessing. Thank you. Hallelujah.

DJ continued…

Thank you for the blood. There is healing and the deliverance in the blood. And again, you know, whenever we go to church, I’m sure there’s always something happened in the services, the word spoken or ministry of the music, worship, strong word comes down. A few weeks ago, two kids standing behind me and I heard… I’m buying coffee and they asked, what do you do? And I heard, “give this $5 to this kid behind you.” So I give this little boy $5 and I walk away. And I know, I say, “why $5? What’s in number five?” I knew that the number five means grace. And how would I know that five is working for me? Obedience is better than sacrifice. So I go to the various posts to meet business. We already do business. I go in there. I supposed to meet one person. Five people sitting there. Next door is the restaurant called “five guys.” All right? I haven’t seen these people for years. Why they came there, I have no idea. But the Lord knew there’s a five people. So after the meeting, I said, well, you know, I got to share the precious blood of Jesus and prayed with five people. Number five last Sunday. Cindy and I prayed with five people. I’m driving this morning. I said, Lord, what is that five? He said David King had five stones in his name. He picked the five stones, the miracle. And I was just driving my mind in one business this morning. And this card is from Caribou. I picked up a card for $5. He said, buy 20 cards for $5. He’s a God of miracles. Jesus took five loaves and turning to a 5,000 people to feed. So how about five dollar? I’ll put it in my pocket, actually. I bought 20 cards. Give this $5 card to everybody. Everybody. I hope we were enough for 20 people. Jesus took the five and it multiplied. Now I came here. I didn’t know. I didn’t talk about I had properties, businesses, renter properties. He said your five properties that you have, I have more five property. You’re going to pay it off.

There’ll be a five millionaire come out of this chapel.

Barb shared…

It’s one thing to have knowledge, but it’s another thing to have revelation. We’re Word people. We have a lot of knowledge, but unless we move into revelation, there’s no manifestation. You’ve got your card. This is revelation. This is the word revealed. The word revealed brings manifestation into your life. When we took communion today, we can’t get into a place where we’re just taking it without really understanding and letting Him reveal the truth of what’s in the blood to us. Because if it’s revealed to us, then that manifestation of what is in the blood of Jesus comes into our lives, into our bodies, purges our minds, purges our lives of even those thoughts that sin is still there. Those thoughts that sickness can attach itself to us. It’s the revelation of His love.

I told Cindy this morning that, that cup of the blood, it’s a cup of love. Love poured out for you that we would have a revelation of His love because when love is revealed, you go buy 20 $5 cards at the coffee shop for complete strangers. That’s love revealed. Love manifested. Isn’t that what we want? We want the manifestation. We’re looking for manifestation. What good is it if there’s no manifestation? We need it now in this life. We don’t need to wait till we move on and we’re in heaven. That’s great. Yeah, we’ll have it all there, but He said we’re supposed to rule as kings in this life. So it’s time for some revelation in this church. It’s time for some manifestation in this church. It’s time for our eyes to be opened to the truth of His Word, to understand with such a depth that which He’s put in our hearts… that love that has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. My God, He put it in there for us so that we would have everything He paid for. He died for you to be whole. He died for you to be completely whole. Nothing missing, nothing broken in your life. Complete restoration and wholeness. Complete peace for you.

Heather, complete peace for you in the name of Jesus, total wholeness in your life. Everything that you need. You know what He said… that whatever we desire when we pray, that’s pretty big. Whatever you desire, whatever you ask, what can you imagine? Can you step out from this humanness of limitation? Can you step out from there and think bigger than what you’re thinking. He has so much for us and because He has so much for us… He does that so we can touch a world that needs so much. It’s not just for us. He loves us. But He wants to be able to take that love and spread it all around. Thank you, Jesus. So, Father, we’re asking today that that knowledge would be moved into revelation. That we would have a revelation as your body, as your Church, a revelation of the love of God, a revelation of the blood of Jesus, that when we read your Word, they’re not just words on a page, but they penetrate our hearts. They penetrate our minds and, Father God, that revelation comes that brings manifestation into our lives. Father God, that we’re not just spouting words, but we have evidence of you… evidence of your working… evidence of your miracle working power… glory to God. It’s time for evidence… it’s time for the evidence… that they can see on you a difference that the world can see on you… that there is a change. There is a difference between you and them… that there is a glory on you. That there is a delivering power that comes with you. that when you step into a place, it is changed by your very presence because you carry Him… there’s a breaking today, a breaking in Jesus’ name, a breaking of traditional thinking… a deeper understanding, God, a deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper. No more walking on the surface. Hallelujah, but come down deep, deep into Him. Deep into that revelation. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

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