Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, December 11, 2020

Pastor Ray shared…

This morning, I want to worship the Lord. And I have a couple other things I’d like us to do well. That would be pray, but, I appreciate it so much everyone online, how you’ve been faithful to stay online and keep praying as we pray together for all the things that need to be prayed for. And so I want to just plead the blood of Jesus this morning over every person tuning in and every person that is in the chapel this morning. I plead the precious blood of Jesus over each one of you, over your families, your loved ones, your relatives, the days leading up to the great celebration of Christmas. Thank You so much, Lord, for the power that is in that blood. We know they overcame by the blood and we overcome by the blood. So we can say today, tomorrow, and all the way through, we’ll keep overcoming because of the power that is in that blood. And that power is working right now today and there’s protection in it, and there is healing in it and there’s provision through that precious blood. So we thank you for the covering. We agree? We’re protected, surrounded, covered, and we plead our case with that precious holy blood that you shed for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago. Thank you that the blood is still working today. We set ourselves under it and the covering of that blood this morning. So we can say there’s no weapon formed against us that will prosper. No weapon formed against us will prosper because we overcome by the power of the blood of Jesus that causes us to overcome. Thank you so much.

Peg led group in worship…

Ephesians 6:10. “Now my beloved ones,” that’s us. “I’ve saved these most important truths for last: be supernaturally infused with strength through your life union with the Lord Jesus.” That’s the first thing. Second, “stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and flowing through you.” I love that. “Put on God’s a complete set of armor provided for us so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser. You’re hand to hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides, so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer. For you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.” Amen. We’re destined for all things and we will rise victorious. “Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph.” So like the Bible says, when you’ve done all you stand on it; you stand on the Word. And we stand in triumph. “Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. Stand on your feet alert. Then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.” I love how the Passion puts this… in every battle. “Just take faith as your wraparound shield for it’s able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one. Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies.” You know that’s one of the Devil’s biggest deals. Lust lies. Lies that are so far from the truth. “And take the mighty razor-sharp spirit sword of the spoken word of God, pray passionately in the spirit as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.” That’s a big deal. We always take more in and we put more out.

I know the reason why the Bible says that we should “be being…” We talked about it yesterday. “Be being filled” more and more because the more that we yield and give out, the more that we need to “be being” filled… again and again and again. And I know that it seems like sometimes here in the chapel, we go over like… Okay, you know, we’re strong in the Lord and we’re going to pursue and you know, that kind of thing. And that’s true, but we need His Word, what, He’s told us we should do, what He’s given to us by us by His Spirit. We need the blood. We need that power that’s in that blood. We need the Holy Spirit to be… We need to be saturated with the Holy Spirit. More, more, more Holy Spirit. Thank you right now for filling us up again this morning. Hallelujah. We worship you. We honor you. We humble ourselves before you. We trust in you. We see those different garments, those different things that we should be armed with and we see how they were. And, by faith we know we overcome.

And so this morning… we’ve done this lots and lots of times. But I feel it’s right for right now. And it goes along with the armor of God. It’s a confession, so it’s where we lay hands on ourselves. So you know how the COVID is sort of taken some of that away from the Church. That is an evil joke of the enemy. And that’s changing in Jesus’ name. Turning around. What was meant for evil, God by the power of the Spirit will turn it around. Hallelujah. So just the first part. It’s where we just lay hands on ourselves. It’s so awesome. I love it. It speaks to us about the authority that we have, and I read this yesterday, but Luke 10:19 says “Behold…” The disciples came back and were just excited. “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name.” And, and He’s like, “I saw Satan falling like a lightning flash from heaven.” He went on to say, “Behold, I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents, scorpions, physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you.” Why? Because we have authority. But then he said, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven.” I love that. You have authority over the devil, so that’s not your biggest rejoicing. Your biggest thing is your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. Hallelujah. So anyway. So just the first part. I’ll just declare this and then we’ll confess some things together over ourselves.

Father God, I just thank you that we’re your children. We thank you that you’re our Father. We’re your children. Thank you for giving us the name of Jesus and the authority that goes with that name. All authority is in that name. Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit, the greater one, the mighty power of God. Thank you, Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, we have authority. You’ve given it to us. We have authority over all demons, over all diseases, to move obstacles, move those things out of the way to stop problems. We have the authority to calm storms and to rebuke sickness.

Now begin to say these things after me:

I have authority. I have power. I have authority. I have power in Jesus’ name now.

Just put your hand on your head. Let’s do that.

I think lots of times people think, well, I need somebody else to put their hand on me, but you know what? We can put our hands on ourselves. And we’ll do that this morning.

Say this, “In Jesus’ name, fear and doubt, leave me… be gone. Confusion, deception, be gone. Heaviness, be gone, depression, be gone in Jesus’ name. Mind, be strong. Think clear. Be bright and be sharp.

Now lay your hand on your chest.

Soul, be strong, have peace, be at rest, be free, and be loosed.

And now just anywhere on your body, wherever you you’d like to do that. And we’ll speak over our body.

Say this. “Body, be strong. Tumors, growths, anything that ought not be in the body, I speak against you. I command you in Jesus’ name to die, dry up, be gone, leave me in Jesus’ name.

Heart, be clear, be strong. Lungs, be clear. Be strong. Stomach, intestines, be healed. Be whole. Be free. Work right. Every organ, every gland, be right. Be normal. Be healthy. Be strong. Every bone, every muscle, every ligament, all my nerves, all my skin, be healthy, be whole, be right, be strong in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.

Now we’re just going to speak to finances. Satan, in Jesus’ name, I command you take your hands off my money. Take your hands off my finances, my investments, my business, my job. In Jesus’ name, Stop in your operations and cease in your maneuvers.

Angels, go and cause money to come… work influence, cause it to come in Jesus’ name. Just in your heart, let the Holy Spirit give you an amount. Not just your needs. Our needs are met. But beyond, over in the land of more than enough, just let Him give you an amount. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. And then we’re going to say that again. Thank you. We believe for it. We believe it’s loose and it’s turning around and it’s coming to us. Hallelujah! Because you’re faithful because your Word works. Because you are a God of more than enough. Thank you. Hallelujah. Thank you, Father.

I’ve had an amount for a few years. I’ve seen some, but I’ve not seen the fullness of it. So I’m believing for that.

Ministering spirits, go! Cause money to come. Work on it. Bring your influence, and cause it to come in. In Jesus’ name, we receive, we receive by faith today, we receive.

Lord, you said the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the church. We’re putting a demand on these finances this morning, calling them to come forth. We speak for our churches. We speak for this church, but we also are an agreement for your Church… churches all over the United States, all over the earth that the finances are turning. Beginning to change now, and those increases are coming forth in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Lord.

The doors are open. The windows have been opened wide by faith. We receive. The more, the increase, the greater it will get receive it. Hallelujah. Just sing that a little bit.

Peg led group in worship…

What stood out to me when we said that was investments, businesses, and jobs. And we pray in agreement today that the businesses that have been locked up and shut down will be opened in Jesus’ name… state by state by state. In the name of Jesus, we pray that all of them that were shut down and then shut down again that they shall receive great increase when they open back up. Businesses will increase upon increase upon increase… jobs will be better… better jobs, a better job… increase in Jesus’ name…

Say after me: In Jesus’ name, Satan, stop in your operations and your maneuvers against marriages, against families, against children, against babies. We forbid it. We bind you. You cannot continue. We stop it in Jesus’ name.”

Marriages are strong. Families are strong, free and right in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Father. Thank you for turning things and rearranging things and stopping wrong things and shutting those things down in the name of Jesus.

It seems like some things are being written on our hearts right now that will bring hope, bring greater hope for the days that are to come, that we’ll look back and say, “thank God we’re not back there,” but we’ll look ahead and say, “thank God for how it will be. For victory is ours and victory will be.”

Barb shared…

There was a woman in the Bible that was a blessing to Elijah. Every time he came through, she was a blessing to him. And so he asked her, “what do you want, what can I do for you?” The servant said “she doesn’t have any children.” And so the prophet blessed her and she had a son. And, after a while the son grew up and one day he grabbed his head and he… I don’t know what the issue was, but he died and she laid him in his room and she told her servants, “Saddle up the donkeys, I’m going to see the prophet.” She didn’t say anything else. And as she’s coming, the prophet sees her coming and he says to his servant, “Go ask her, “Is everything well with you?” And she says, “all is well.” Well that wasn’t the situation in the natural. But she believed if God would give her this son, would He not raise him up? That was the blessing of God. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. And so that is exactly what Ray was saying. We declared all these things. All is well. All is well with our bodies. All is well in our minds. All is well with our finances. All as well in our business. Even if it doesn’t look like in the natural, but we believe. And when we stand in that place, will God not do? He gave you that business, right? He gave you that child. He gave you that marriage. He blessed you with that job. Will He not raise it up? That resurrection power, will He not bring that resurrection power to that situation? Yes! So today we declare “all is well.”

I woke up in the middle of the night, the other day and that just came up in my spirit and He reminded me of that phrase: “All is well.” I went, Oh. Then He said, “Now, you say that over each one of your children. Call them by name. All as well over David. All as well over Alyssa. And over your husband. And then He had me say it over each member of my extended family. And then he brought another family to my mind and some of the pastors and He said, “just speak it. All is well, all is well over my church. All is well over Pastor Mac and Lynne. All is well with their family. All is well with this ministry. Glory to God. All is well with you in Jesus name. All is well! Hallelujah.

Thank you, Father. We’re not moved by anything but you. We’re not moved by anything but your Spirit. Father, we are anchored in you. We are anchored by the blood of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. I thank you that today is a day of victory by the blood of Jesus. We have victory today in every situation, glory to God. It is as we have spoken in Jesus’ name.

Each one of us, Father, full of your power. Each one of us full of your grace today. Each one of us yielded to your Spirit, walking in peace, walking in joy, walking in strength… Great is your faithfulness, Lord. I thank you, Father, you are so good and so faithful… everything you have is ours… Glory to God… you said if there was something that we needed, that you did not have that you would make it for us… you are an unlimited God and an unlimited Father. There are no boundaries in you. Hallelujah… as high as we can think, Father, you can do so much more. So we reach out and we stretch out by faith today. We extend the borders today of our faith. We stretch out and we reach out and we expand today in Jesus’ name… Those things you want us to reach for, Father God, today… we take off the limitations, Lord… we allow you in… we allow you to flow… we allow you to move in our lives today in Jesus’ name… do what you want to do… have your way today… it is time…

Some of you feel like you’ve been stuck in the mud and you can’t get out. You can’t move… But today the Holy Ghost is getting up under you and He’s going to lift you up and out in Jesus’ name… He’s gonna pull you out of that place today. That place of containment in the name of Jesus… right now in Jesus’ name… by the power of the Holy Ghost, be moved and removed from that place now in Jesus’ name… He’s taking you into the best… He’s taking you into the highest… He’s taking you into the greatest… He’s lifting you up in Jesus’ name so that you can see the way He sees… not just you, but everything around you… a new perspective… because you are above and not beneath… hallelujah… you are above, far above, seated with Him in heavenly places… and that is your perspective… Glory to God… yes, from that high place, we look down on the enemy. We look down upon those things that he tries to form against us. We look down upon them because they’re under our feet… every plan… we lift up doors today in Jesus’ name… Father, by your Spirit, I thank you right now that you are opening doors, that the enemy has seemingly shut… to your people… he’s tried to hold those things closed… but I thank you today, Father, for breakthrough in those areas… that those doors and opportunities open up now in Jesus’ name…

Woman shared…

When you were praying in tongues, I heard the word “shackles,” I just saw the oxen in the mud and how they can get stuck. And I just saw their shackles coming off and then walking out of that mud.

Peg led group in singing about shackles coming off

We thank you that the shackles are coming off. The shackles are breaking. They’re being removed right now. You’re taking off the limits. You’re taking off the limits. The limits are breaking. It’s becoming unstoppable. No more limits. No more limits. No more limits… removed. ♪

Pastor Ray shared…

I just got a picture of this. Turnarounds and changes will begin to happen so quickly. And I saw two toys: a top. Remember tops? The harder you push on that thing, the faster around it’ll go. And it began to spin, turns, changes began to turn into a spinning. And the other toy was a Jack-in-the-box, you know where it goes “POP goes the weasel.” But it’s not a weasel. It’s supernatural prosperity. And it’s like that thing, the way it would be. You know, the little kids would just be like, and then all of a sudden, BANG! And that thing would come out of there. It’s happening. It’s happening, Church. It’s happening body of Christ. It’s happening all over the earth. Things are moving more swiftly and the “suddenlies” will be like that. We put our faith on that crank and we just keep cranking it and declaring it, believing it, expecting for it… and suddenly pop! There’ll be a pop here and a pop there, an expansion there in Jesus’ name.

DJ shared…

I have a quick testimony about the heart. You were just praying for hearts to be healed. Pastor Ken Olsen, you remember you had a church and I brought my son, who’s 33 now. Back then he had a murmuring heart, heart problem. But I remember I said to my son, “Hey, let’s go to church.” He had never been to that church. He didn’t want to go, but when I say, “Hey, do you want to go to church for prayer?” So I went to Pastor Ken Olsen, and Pastor Ken was praying in tongues. Every five minutes he said, “heart.” When he prayed in tongues, he said, “heart.” He was praying in tongues under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, but he said “heart, heart, heart.” Now, my son, who’s not exposed to this kind of prayer, all these things before, but when he heard “heart”… and we came for a new heart… And he prayed and prayed, and guess what? After that, his heart was healed that day. Remember I told you that too, he never had problems since… While Pastor Ken was praying in tongues, my son’s heart was healed. Today in the name of Jesus, somebody’s heart will be healed. He will be loosed from pain. New heart, new heart… the murmuring will stop… sickness gone in the name of Jesus…

There is power in the name of Jesus… There is power in the name of Jesus… break every chain… break every chain… heal every heart… ♪

So Pastor Ken, whatever happened in the church… many good things happened. One was my son’s heart. Today, he never has problems. Father, we give you the praise. You are the Lord God who heals the heart. You sent your Word.

Barb …

Deliverance… Glory to God… deliverance… today… complete deliverance in Jesus’ name… the Holy Spirit, He’s reaching you today for deliverance, complete deliverance in Jesus’ name… total deliverance in the name of Jesus…

There’s just one thing I wanted to say. Sometimes we look to the past to the people that have gone before us and great ministers of the Gospel and preachers, healing evangelists, but the Holy Ghost would say that you are those people today. Quit looking to the past… “look at that great man of God.” You are the great man of God. You are the great woman of God today. And don’t compare yourself to those people. You are the one… you will do the same things and greater than those people that went before you. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

Thank you for joining us today. And we look forward to seeing you next week. Thank you for coming. Have a great weekend.

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